Sunday, March 02, 2008

So long, farewell, au revoir !

Notre farewell party, hyper gaie grâce à la présence de nos amis, malgré quelques pincements au coeur lors des au-revoir...

Donc dans le désordre, merci à Carrie (the best American Best Friend), Jared & Annalise (the best neighbours ever!), Jena (we wish we had spent more time with you!), Carrie M. (please, don't become less crazy than you are!) Siv-Tone & Dan (have fun in Santa Monica, we'll miss you!), Amandine & Sylvian (à très vite en France !), Ida (such a sweet neighbour!), Slava (don't drink too much), Tom (nicht zu viel trinken), Jake (see you in 1 month in Geneva!), Puneeth (see you in Geneva sooner or later too), Dmitryo (no craps), Victor (please give a big hug to Andrew for us), Monica & Ruari (have a wonderful wedding day!), Marc (take care and I mean it!) and all those who couldn't make it this evening but for whom we had a thought, especially Martine, Stan & Olivier Biggerstaaf (à cet été à Lasné !), et Dawn & Kelley (see you hopefully in the next months in Paris and/or Geneva)...

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